Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Room, a comparison between NL and JP on winter perspective

This is not an academic article. Instead, it is just my comparison of how a room has been designed to overcome winter season based on my experience between NL and JP. Winter has not fully come yet here.

But let me tell you my experience here..

"I felt the sign yesterday morning. Brrrr, so cold! It was only 5 degree but how come I was feeling very cold!"

Well, winter is coming...

Based on my observation I realized that a house (room) in NL is better isolated than a house here. Therefore a house in NL is warmer and really good in winter time. Here I felt it was already cold though winter has not fully come yet.

I heard from my Japanese colleague, winter and summer time here take longer than that of spring and autumn. In fact, spring and autumn season is the best weather in Kyoto.

Back to room comparison, in NL is on the other hand having a problem in managing summer time. Summer seems quite hot and room is not designed to be air conditioned. In Japan it has no problem. That's what they told me.

So, which one you choose, room in NL or JP :P?

1 comment:

Savitri said...

Like they said: 'we can help you to survive winter ... but we can do nothing for summer'.

I used to think: dude, I came from a tropical country, I think I know how to help myself. :D