It only needs
a step further,
a single drop of sweat,
a short time to spend,
a little jump to pass the gap,
a nice song to cheer up,
a smile,
an action to type on keyboards.
Big reward is waiting for you.
So big big big.
It is on the other part of the ocean.
Only a step away.
So croos by and you`ll find your way to our lovely and warm castle.
I wait and pray for you eagerly.
Caiyo dear!
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Wakarimasen --> Wakarimashita
I many times use word wakarimasen. Why? Wakarimasen means I don`t understand. Of course this does not mean that I face a lot of problems here. However it is true that I still can not communicate and read japanese properly. Even as a basic requirement that one needs to.
Wakarimashita on the other hand means I understand. Even normally one says here Haik, Wakarimashita!
This evening I was on the way coming home. Trying to locate the price of train to Oubaku, a city I live, I could not find one because it is written in Kanji. It is a bit strange because normally they put also word in Romaji to help someone who can not read Kanji. When I was trying to locate the city`s name in Kanji, there was a madam and her son. Then I was saying to her, Oubaku desu and also with my hands trying to describe that I wanted to go to there. I said wakarimasen, trying to say I could not locate it. Hohoho, It was helpful and she pointed to the Kanji and finally I got the price of train to go to Oubaku.
Anyway, wakarimasen was useful to help me. I hope soon I would not use wakarimasen so often as I have used. Instead, I dream to use wakarimashita more often. Hopefully! Ganbatte ne!
Wakarimashita on the other hand means I understand. Even normally one says here Haik, Wakarimashita!
This evening I was on the way coming home. Trying to locate the price of train to Oubaku, a city I live, I could not find one because it is written in Kanji. It is a bit strange because normally they put also word in Romaji to help someone who can not read Kanji. When I was trying to locate the city`s name in Kanji, there was a madam and her son. Then I was saying to her, Oubaku desu and also with my hands trying to describe that I wanted to go to there. I said wakarimasen, trying to say I could not locate it. Hohoho, It was helpful and she pointed to the Kanji and finally I got the price of train to go to Oubaku.
Anyway, wakarimasen was useful to help me. I hope soon I would not use wakarimasen so often as I have used. Instead, I dream to use wakarimashita more often. Hopefully! Ganbatte ne!
Kampai (The working spirit of Japanese?)
I am new here. Too new to know many things about people`s culture. Therefore many impressions surely can be wrong. Just a bit of sharing and therefore comments are appreciated.
As far as I am concerned I have been amazed with the habitual way of life existing here.
Working until late in the night, queing to get into the Densha (Train), reading in side the train, drinking in the weekend and so on might be a routine one has.
Nevertheless, the first time I joined my lab I was welcomed with a small lab party. A short word shouted by Sensei kicked off the party, "Kampaii!", said by him. The rest of us, including me, followed loudly saying the same word while toasting our glasses full of either beer, sake, japanese green tea, water or whatsoever. That word was also like heat that was warming up as well as being an ice breaker for all of us.
All in all, Kampai seems to be a word describing how the Japanese have a great dedicasion to they work.
As far as I am concerned I have been amazed with the habitual way of life existing here.
Working until late in the night, queing to get into the Densha (Train), reading in side the train, drinking in the weekend and so on might be a routine one has.
Nevertheless, the first time I joined my lab I was welcomed with a small lab party. A short word shouted by Sensei kicked off the party, "Kampaii!", said by him. The rest of us, including me, followed loudly saying the same word while toasting our glasses full of either beer, sake, japanese green tea, water or whatsoever. That word was also like heat that was warming up as well as being an ice breaker for all of us.
All in all, Kampai seems to be a word describing how the Japanese have a great dedicasion to they work.
Friday, October 27, 2006
Watashi no Sumai Machi?
That's a bad Japanese translation may be. Machi --> City, Sumai --> home
This is a new home town for me? Yes, though might not be the last one.
It's been three weeks here and I now realize that I have started to enjoy living here.
Oubaku is a Small town at the hinterland of Kyoto. Well, not really hinterland because along the roads from Kyoto to Oubaku, a city I am living, urbanized areas exist. Oubaku has a steep topography. On the northeast of my dorm, nice and green hills are located. This good view reminds me of Bandung or Lembang. Bandung actually is comparable with Kyoto though the latter is much cleaner of course. Topographically they are the same and therefore they look similar for me.
Bandung had been a home town for me for eight years before I departed to Enschede. Bandung has many places I like to spend time for. Places for hang out, for inspiration, for sport, for study, etc are available there. Staying in Bandung for quite a long time has made me able to locate almost any place in this city. Additionally having educated at urban planning, I personally have got a lot of sense of city. I am sure that I will come back again and again to visit Bandung in the future , to gain memory, to meet friends, to sense the city.
Enschede gave me another sense that I had never felt before. Surprisingly I did not feel any home sick in Enschede nor I came back to Indonesia during my stay in Enschede. Some friends of mine felt homesick which I did not. Of course there were though times when I had through, but it was not about Enschede. So, kleurdestad! I enjoyed biking with my old bicycle, shopping to the open market, eating fish in the open market, hanging around at BS and Indonesian and other Foreign Students. 18 months in Enschede passed and gave memorable time as well as a lot of constributions. One of the most contributions is learning how to cook from ITC (International Training for Cooking), hehehe.
Here now Oubaku, Kyoto. The first two weeks I spent here were not enjoyable due to culture shocks and also language problem. They are nice but they just can't help you. Many times I asked people when I needed something in Japanese but many times I did not get what I want. A week after I arrived, I got lost because I could not locate the way to Kyoto Univ. Walking around the station and asking people just ended me up to wrong destination. What a stressful! Luckily there are friends here who helped a lot during the time. Otherwise, it would have been difficult for me because of the language problem. Once I had a problem with my temporary residence permit (syomesyo) with the officers of postal office (yubinkyoku). They took away that letter but I could not ask back because I do not know Japanese. Later I could tell them because I asked my Japanese professor to write a letter for me in Japanese and I passed the letter to the postal officer. Truly language barrier is a problem!
I decided to take Japanese course in trying to better communicate here. Finally it works! After two weeks taking the course I can now be able to read some Japanese Hiragana and Katakana which are basic letters. And during the course I have learnt some phrases to communicate in Japanese. This really helps a lot. Also friends in my laboratory here are really generous and kind. It provides me a nice way to adapt living here. Things become easier to cope when you can communicate and here they are what I am facing here.
Though a lot of things of Japanese have I not known, but nevertheless I have started loving living here. I hope to have this city for my other home town, to be watashi no Sumai Machi(my city). Some time, I hope in this near future.
This is a new home town for me? Yes, though might not be the last one.
It's been three weeks here and I now realize that I have started to enjoy living here.
Oubaku is a Small town at the hinterland of Kyoto. Well, not really hinterland because along the roads from Kyoto to Oubaku, a city I am living, urbanized areas exist. Oubaku has a steep topography. On the northeast of my dorm, nice and green hills are located. This good view reminds me of Bandung or Lembang. Bandung actually is comparable with Kyoto though the latter is much cleaner of course. Topographically they are the same and therefore they look similar for me.
Bandung had been a home town for me for eight years before I departed to Enschede. Bandung has many places I like to spend time for. Places for hang out, for inspiration, for sport, for study, etc are available there. Staying in Bandung for quite a long time has made me able to locate almost any place in this city. Additionally having educated at urban planning, I personally have got a lot of sense of city. I am sure that I will come back again and again to visit Bandung in the future , to gain memory, to meet friends, to sense the city.
Enschede gave me another sense that I had never felt before. Surprisingly I did not feel any home sick in Enschede nor I came back to Indonesia during my stay in Enschede. Some friends of mine felt homesick which I did not. Of course there were though times when I had through, but it was not about Enschede. So, kleurdestad! I enjoyed biking with my old bicycle, shopping to the open market, eating fish in the open market, hanging around at BS and Indonesian and other Foreign Students. 18 months in Enschede passed and gave memorable time as well as a lot of constributions. One of the most contributions is learning how to cook from ITC (International Training for Cooking), hehehe.
Here now Oubaku, Kyoto. The first two weeks I spent here were not enjoyable due to culture shocks and also language problem. They are nice but they just can't help you. Many times I asked people when I needed something in Japanese but many times I did not get what I want. A week after I arrived, I got lost because I could not locate the way to Kyoto Univ. Walking around the station and asking people just ended me up to wrong destination. What a stressful! Luckily there are friends here who helped a lot during the time. Otherwise, it would have been difficult for me because of the language problem. Once I had a problem with my temporary residence permit (syomesyo) with the officers of postal office (yubinkyoku). They took away that letter but I could not ask back because I do not know Japanese. Later I could tell them because I asked my Japanese professor to write a letter for me in Japanese and I passed the letter to the postal officer. Truly language barrier is a problem!
I decided to take Japanese course in trying to better communicate here. Finally it works! After two weeks taking the course I can now be able to read some Japanese Hiragana and Katakana which are basic letters. And during the course I have learnt some phrases to communicate in Japanese. This really helps a lot. Also friends in my laboratory here are really generous and kind. It provides me a nice way to adapt living here. Things become easier to cope when you can communicate and here they are what I am facing here.
Though a lot of things of Japanese have I not known, but nevertheless I have started loving living here. I hope to have this city for my other home town, to be watashi no Sumai Machi(my city). Some time, I hope in this near future.
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Selamat Idul Fitri dan Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Batin
Buat teman-teman Planologi ITB dan keluarga, buat teman-teman ITC Indonesia, buat teman-teman ITC Indonesia, buat teman-teman PPI-Enschede (salam kuda jingkrak), buat teman-teman PPI-Kyoto dan PPI Kansai,
Selamat berbahagia merayakan hari raya Idul Fitri dan mohon maaf lahir dan batin buat salah-salah kata dan perbuatan.
Semoga bisa berkumpul bersama keluarga tercinta. Jika tidak bisa, ya selamat berbahagia juga ;)
Selamat berbahagia merayakan hari raya Idul Fitri dan mohon maaf lahir dan batin buat salah-salah kata dan perbuatan.
Semoga bisa berkumpul bersama keluarga tercinta. Jika tidak bisa, ya selamat berbahagia juga ;)
Friday, October 20, 2006
Eksperimen Opor Pertama
Setelah sekian lama tidak beroporia, maka besok watashi akan memasak opor lagi. Kenapa? Alasannya sederhana saja, sedang tidak ada yang memasak buat watashi. Hehehe, hopefully only for a short time.
Kembali ke opor, masaknya gampang saja. Watashi hanya perlu merebus air, memasukkan daging ayam yang tentunya dicuci dulu ya, terus biarkan mendidih. Setelah itu, bumbu opor ala indofood siap dimasukkan. Di sini belum nemu dimana jual bumbu opor ala indofood. Sepertinya nanti waktu watashi no kanai datang, perlu bawa banyak bumbu opor deh. Maklum itu kesukaannya watashi, jadi ya kanai ga papa ya agak repot sedikit.
Tadi sore watashi udah urus syomesyo (ribet ya ngomongnya) alias eligibility letter buat kanai, ditemanin oleh watashi no tomodachi. Terus karena besok itu adalah doyoubi, watashi sepertinya punya waktu untuk masak. Hobi yang lama ditinggalkan pas kembali ke kampung halaman.
Semoga rencananya berhasil. Ini nulisnya masih di lab, soalnya masih pada rame. Busyet rajin-rajin banget para tomodachi di sini. Salut deh. Psst, tapi jangan bilang-bilang ya watashi mau buat opor, nanti bisa-bisa para tomodachi menyerbu, padahal ini baru eksperimen.
Udah ah, nanti hasilnya dilaporkan lagi.
Tot zeins, sayonara, see u, sampai bertemu.
*) Watashi : aku, kanai : istri, tomodachi : teman, doyoubi : sabtu
Setelah sekian lama tidak beroporia, maka besok watashi akan memasak opor lagi. Kenapa? Alasannya sederhana saja, sedang tidak ada yang memasak buat watashi. Hehehe, hopefully only for a short time.
Kembali ke opor, masaknya gampang saja. Watashi hanya perlu merebus air, memasukkan daging ayam yang tentunya dicuci dulu ya, terus biarkan mendidih. Setelah itu, bumbu opor ala indofood siap dimasukkan. Di sini belum nemu dimana jual bumbu opor ala indofood. Sepertinya nanti waktu watashi no kanai datang, perlu bawa banyak bumbu opor deh. Maklum itu kesukaannya watashi, jadi ya kanai ga papa ya agak repot sedikit.
Tadi sore watashi udah urus syomesyo (ribet ya ngomongnya) alias eligibility letter buat kanai, ditemanin oleh watashi no tomodachi. Terus karena besok itu adalah doyoubi, watashi sepertinya punya waktu untuk masak. Hobi yang lama ditinggalkan pas kembali ke kampung halaman.
Semoga rencananya berhasil. Ini nulisnya masih di lab, soalnya masih pada rame. Busyet rajin-rajin banget para tomodachi di sini. Salut deh. Psst, tapi jangan bilang-bilang ya watashi mau buat opor, nanti bisa-bisa para tomodachi menyerbu, padahal ini baru eksperimen.
Udah ah, nanti hasilnya dilaporkan lagi.
Tot zeins, sayonara, see u, sampai bertemu.
*) Watashi : aku, kanai : istri, tomodachi : teman, doyoubi : sabtu
Thursday, October 19, 2006
After a long break!
Coming back with this stupid machine. Someone calls it a stupid square box. Anyway, you may call it whatever you want. Well, it was such a long break for me. Also along break that I did not have time to write anything for this blog.
Such a long break. Many things happened.
Though situations and people are different.
But in the end still coming back and sitting in front of this machine though on the other part of this small planet. Otherwise how would I write again a story for this blog. Hopefully more stories are coming. Anyway I have come to realize that I have extra words to say.
Such a long break!
Coming back with this stupid machine. Someone calls it a stupid square box. Anyway, you may call it whatever you want. Well, it was such a long break for me. Also along break that I did not have time to write anything for this blog.
Such a long break. Many things happened.
Though situations and people are different.
But in the end still coming back and sitting in front of this machine though on the other part of this small planet. Otherwise how would I write again a story for this blog. Hopefully more stories are coming. Anyway I have come to realize that I have extra words to say.
Such a long break!
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